Sunday, January 4, 2009

Attract New Cars

Let Dr. Joe Vitale teach you how to manifest a new car (or anything else)...

“Give me 4 hours and I’ll show you how to attract a new car - or anything else you can imagine - using my guaranteed 5-step easy system... I’ve attracted 7 new cars – so far – and now I’m teaching others how to manifest them... Want to be next?”

How is all this possible?
You have to stop and wonder…
· How can everyday average people like you and me actually attract new cars?
· How can a person get a Bentley – worth a quarter of a million dollars – for only $5,000?
· How can someone with no credit and no cash drive off with a brand new car?
· How can someone terrified of cars and car sales people get over it in just days?
· How can I go from poverty to ordering BMW to build a new car for me?
· How is all this possible?
Basically, the answer is in correctly using the 5 step system introduced in my book The Attractor Factor – the very book that knocked Harry Potter off the #1 bestseller spot – twice -- in April, 2005.
When you correctly use the 5 steps, and ignore the voice of doubt in your head, you can create miracles.

Click here for more details:

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